
Why You Should Drive a European Manufactured Car

When the time comes for your next vehicle upgrade, you might be wondering what type of car will best suit your needs and driving style. Should you look for something more compact, better gas mileage, or something that won’t break the bank? For drivers that value a smooth drive with a sleek exterior and excellent fuel economy, a European manufactured vehicle is the clear choice. While these rides are typically a bit more expensive than your standard American made vehicle, there are still several advantages that make them worth the price tag. And between gas mileage, lifespan, and resale value, a high end luxury European car might just end up paying for itself, all while giving you a top quality driving experience!

Unmatched Fuel Economy

European crafted vehicles are well known for their unmatched gas mileage and fuel efficiency, going above and beyond the gas mileage of standard American made cars. European manufactured automobiles are made with the high European gas prices in mind, and it’s certainly convenient with American gas prices getting higher everyday! With proven unmatched fuel economy, drivers can expect far more miles per gallon, and a lower environmental impact.

Longevity and Quality Engineering

While American made vehicles are more concerned with a cheaper price tag and less frequent maintenance, European crafted automobiles want to give drivers the best experience possible behind the wheel. While it does mean these cars tend to be more expensive and require more routine service and maintenance, European manufacturers truly go the extra mile to make sure your ride will last.

European manufactured vehicles can also be expected to last longer on the roads when compared to their American counterparts. And while all car brands strive to make their vehicles safe for drivers, passengers and other motorists on the road, European vehicles are more likely to survive a serious collision, making them the clear choice for drivers who value both smooth driving capabilities and safety.

High Resale Value

European vehicles are built to last, and when you want to upgrade, they have a much higher resale market value than American manufactured cars, especially when the drivers adhere to their vehicles manufacturer recommendations for service and maintenance. So if resale is at the top of your mind when you’re thinking of investing in a vehicle, a European made car is the clear choice!

For The Best European Car Service, Come See The Pros at T. Scandia Motors! 

To schedule an appointment with the European auto specialists at T. Scandia Motors, call or book online today! We look forward to servicing your European manufactured ride!

Photo by Mike Bird from Pexels via Canva Pro

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