
What Causes Noisy Brakes? (And How to Fix Them)

Noisy brakes are one of those things that can be an annoying sound that quickly goes away or a more severe problem that needs attention. If your vehicle’s brakes are not as quiet as they once were, read on.

When Are Noisy Brakes Nothing to Worry About?

Brakes are designed to operate quietly, but this is not the case all the time. Therefore, it’s essential to know the difference between a harmless noise and one that indicates a more significant issue. Squeaky brakes can be caused by a buildup of dust, water, or condensation on the rotor. This squeaking sound should go away within a few applications of the brakes as the brake pad will wipe out the grime on the rotor. You will typically notice this issue if it’s been a few days since you have driven your vehicle or if you last drove in dusty or even wet conditions. This condition is normal, and as long as the sound dissipates quickly, it should not cause concern.

When Are Noisy Brakes a Problem?

When you have noisy brakes that continue to squeak after you step on the brake pedal a few times while driving, it may indicate a problem. If the sound you hear is a high-pitched squeak that is noticeable consistently while stopping, it could mean that the brake pads need to be replaced. Modern brake pads are made with a metal clip that rubs against the rotor when the brakes are applied. When brake pads are worn down, the metal clip creates noise to alert the driver that they need to be replaced. Another common issue that can cause unusual noise and vibration when stopping is warped or uneven rotors. Rotors that are not smooth and even will make driving much less pleasant. The good news if you’re experienced working with cars is that a brake pad or rotor replacement job is something that you can probably handle yourself.

Other Issues That Cause Noisy Brakes

Another reason your brakes are squeaking may have to do with a lack of lubrication between the contact points on the edge of the pads, where they meet the pad clips and caliper. Sometimes the squeaking noise coming from your brakes is due to a lack of lubrication. The contact points and slide pins must be well lubricated to ensure proper brake function. A stuck slide pin can cause the brake pad to drag on the rotor, causing excessive wear and, of course, noise. Finally, some brake pads themselves are prone to occasional squeaking sounds. These semi-metallic brake pads emit squeaking sounds on occasion during everyday driving. This sound is usually not a problem, but make sure to get your car care professional to help you select the right brake pads for your vehicle.

If you hear that irritating squeaking sound, don’t panic. Occasional squeaking from your brakes that goes away quickly may not indicate a problem. However, if the sound doesn’t go away or is coupled with shaking or vibrations, it’s time to take action. See your automotive care professional to get your brakes back to noise-free use.

Photo by 12875116 from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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